Monday, February 26, 2007


I now officially have another job!!! Now I'm just waiting until they phone me to come in. I'm a little nervous to be a waitress. As most of you know... I'm a klutz. I hope I don't drop a plate on a customer, it makes me more nervous that these are all important rich people that I'll be serving. Today I went out and bought dress shoes with a little bow on them, panty hose, hoop earrings, and pink nail polish. I'm feeling a little bit more girly lately, I think it's because I hardly hang out with girls anymore so I think I'm trying to make up for it.

I'm no longer doing that editing job. Due to a series of events which I won't get into, Anita has told the director she no longer wants to do it. I would take on the project myself but now I have this new job and there's no way I could edit alone with two other jobs. People keep asking me why I want to work two jobs and not do a film internship. For a few weeks I was pretty close to moving back to Terrace because I was running out of money. I would love to have an internship but in order to do that I have to live in Toronto, and if I want to stay in Toronto I need money, hence the second job. I hope an internship is in the near future.

I saw a few movies lately and I thought I'd give my opinion on them. "The Number 23", this movie was ok I guess. Jim Carey was good, but the story happened too quickly, and it was a little corny in some parts. I would wait to rent it. I also saw "Music and Lyrics". This movie was worse than I expected it to be, it's one of those forgettable movies. If you are really really into chick flicks or Hugh Grant then you might enjoy this movie, me not so much. Then I saw "Bridge to Tarabithia". I really liked this movie. I did read the book way back in grade 3 or whenever it was but I couldn't remember it. Warning!!: This movie has an incredibly sad ending. Even if you know the ending is coming, I guarantee you'll cry (even all you guys!!!). This movie is not recommended for Leah.

So the Acedemy Awards last night... I think I got 9 out of 24 right. The Acedemy suprises me every year. It seems they are choosing more popular films, I always was under the impression that the wierder the movie the more likely it was to win. And Little Miss Sunshine got two oscars!!! Love that movie.


At 1:38 AM, Blogger Timothy Steinman said...

Congratulations on the new job.

I'm so happy Little Miss Sunshine won a few awards. Awesome movie. Thank you for showing that one to me.

At 9:59 PM, Blogger Kevin Wiebe said...

It's The number 23!!! not 24!!!!

At 1:35 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Crap!!! I've been saying that all week. I'll change it just for you Kev.

At 3:09 AM, Blogger Tamara said...

PANTY HOSE?! Stephanie, I am not sure what to think. lol No I'm just kidding..that's awesome you got an 2nd job. But you really need to take a picture of yourself in this uniform. Please.

I'll post a picture of myself in my newly aquired "spa" uniform as soon as I get one. Which will be in like two weeks...I'm dreading the day.


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