Monday, June 04, 2007

Poor Little Water Buffalo

This video is crazy! I normally can't watch animal attack kind of things but this one has a happy ending. WATCH IT, it's incredible.

It's been raining here a lot but still really hot. I'm jealous of you Terrace people, mudslides and floods are so exciting! So the other day I went with Fillip and Andrew to the recording studio and Andrew recorded some stuff he wrote. He recorded every instrument separately. First the acoustic guitar, then bass, electric guitar, and lastly the tambourine. He already had a drum track that one of his friends recorded. It was cool to see a piece of music be built in layers like that. Recording studios are so cool, I want one. The guy who owned it was incredibly nice to let us use it for free and for the entire day.

I've been trying to get an Ontario health card for the longest time and it just seems impossible to get one. I've been there three times now. The first time I didn't have a drivers license with me so they wouldn't give me one, the second time I didn't have a document with my name and current address so they wouldn't give me one and the third time they wouldn't give it to me because the document I brought was from a credit card statement. Thankfully I brought a bank statement too, but no it had to be a current document from this month. Arrrr, then they told me I needed to get an Ontario drivers license before I came back. All their rules make sense but why can't they tell me what I need to bring and what's acceptable so I don't have to keep coming back. Did I mention I had to stand in line up each time for about 45 minutes. Sorry I'm just in an angry mood.

It's been done. I bought tanning minutes, tanning eye goggles, and tanning lotion. The tanning salon is right across the street from the theater where I work so it will be convenient to go there after work. I'm preparing for this wedding coming up, but it's coming too fast, I haven't lost any weight yet. Ohhh, so it's final. I'm coming home on July 23rd, or the 24th I believe and leaving at the end of August. Who wants to hike Sleeping Beauty with me?


At 7:09 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i can't believe how far we've gone out of touch! so much for snail mail.. we should start that again after this summer... guess what I have an interview in like five minutes!!! its for my summer program!!!!!!! and i have other good news! but its still in the development stages! you know who its about!!! later

At 1:33 AM, Blogger Tamara said...

That's really super annoying that they wouldn't tell you the 1st time you went in exactly what you needed. DUMB!

Expect me at the airport to meet and greet you.

Oh and I'll hike Sleeping Beauty with you..there's lakes and stuff on the way up that we can stop and swim in!

At 3:39 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

You just need to come home. We miss you

At 3:17 PM, Blogger trippy spaz said...

i've been there in that video. Kruger National Park in South Africa ^^

At 8:55 PM, Blogger Seraberry said...

hah. you need to be awful and rude and all "now....are you sure this is ALLLLLLL I need.....or am I going to have to come back??? AGAIN!"
maybe they just like seeing your face, and secretly wish you'd bring them candy.

geeeeeez. i'm going to be the only ghost in a dress standing up front.

that's it. FAKE TANNER IT IS!

I might hike sleeping beauty with you. It's one of those things on my "before I die TO DO LIST". seems like alot of work.

At 1:30 AM, Blogger Tamara said...

By the way, I can't watch that video.

At 11:40 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Watch it Tamara, there is a happy ending.

At 11:59 AM, Blogger Daughter of Zion said...

Hey, I will totally hike sleeping beauty. and my advice...don't fuss too much about the wedding, its only one day of your life and its not even YOUR day. take it or leave it, this is coming from a thrice time bridesmaid


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