Wednesday, March 14, 2007

They'll Attack Me

Today was a sad day. I went to check my brother's blog and it was gone :( He warned me before that he was planning to get rid of it but I didn't expect the day to come so soon. Since he doesn't talk to me anymore you guys will have to fill me in on his life, yes... you are all my spy's.
I was thinking a bit on the subway today, nothing important, just about useless stuff. For instants, what happened to all the ants that I vacuumed up? Did they die? Are they frantically trying to find their way out? Are they creating tunnels and rebuilding their colony? What will await me when I have to empty the thing? Will their population and size triple and they attack me when I look inside. I fear that day.
Tomorrow (actually today) I'm starting my bridesmaid diet. I know I said I would start a few months ago but now I'm really serious. No more eating out!!!!!! I'm so bad at this. I meet people at Tim Horton's all the time, this will be a big challenge to say no and just watch them eat their chocolate danish. I guess now I have to start being creative and finding things to eat that are quick, easy, cheap, and healthy.
It's so warm here, it's like spring bordering summer. It's great, I don't have to wear my hideous jacket anymore. But I've heard that it will get cold once again. I like winter, I just hate when the weather keeps changing and you don't know what the heck the season is. Yep. Running out of things to say. Chow.


At 3:10 PM, Blogger Joleen said...

You should suck up some ant poison with your vacuum cleaner, just to be sure that they are dead.

I'll keep you posted on Kevin, but then what do I know. Teenagers never tell their parents anything.

Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts but don't put away your coat yet. It's not ugly, by the way.

I'm still waiting to see your new shoes. Picture please!

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Kevin Wiebe said...

Ya right, you are the one who broke the email chain Steph. I emailed you last so it's your turn!

At 1:56 AM, Blogger Tamara said...

I'll get the low down for you, Steph.

I need to start the bridesmaid plan too..we ARE wearing strapless, you know. I better break out those 3 lb weights lol

At 4:28 PM, Blogger Darci said...

How bout lets hope I fit my wedding dress plan :D please share any healthy easy eating ideas!!!

At 5:24 PM, Blogger Seraberry said...

oh..and steph...i do get those people who make like 100 adjustments to their drink.....i think its just to sound cool...because if they do say they want no foam in a cappucino..i'm want a latte then? because a capuccino IS foam!!!!!!!!!!! espresso and mostly foam. HAH.
"I'd like a cappuccino, 2/3 foam, extra hot with an extra shot".
HAH. now i've officially left you the LONGEST comment ever....even longer than YOURS!


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