Saturday, September 01, 2007

3 Pounds

I've finally done something that I've been pushing off for way too long. I gave my landlords my two month notice!!!!!! That means I have to go through the painful process of searching for a new home. It's hard to find a cheap place in a good neighbourhood. So my goal is to find a room for $300 and this time I will be living with room mates, room mates I don't know. Not only am I dreading finding a home I am more dreading moving day when I have to move everything on my own. I could ask people for help and I'm sure they would but I just can't do that, I'm weird like that. So yeah, it had to be done because I'm the poorest I've ever been and now I have to start paying off my student loan. Whatever.

On a good note, I've been on a diet for 4 days now and I lost three pounds!!!! It also helps that I can't afford to eat out anymore. I've just been eating healthy and having carbs only for dinner and I've been doing a wee bit of a work out each morning. I'm serious about losing weight, I've never been serious. Whatever.


At 2:07 AM, Blogger Tamara said...

I'll help you find a place!

At 12:21 AM, Blogger starla said...

hope you find a great place really quick! Way to go on the 3 lbs!!


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