Sunday, January 25, 2009

Here you are, a post!

This weeks "Good" and "Bad"

The Bad
- I broke our shower head, replaced it and it sucks.
- My computer has a virus... pop-ups every 30 seconds. I got a temporary anti virus program but it's a little too late now.
- It was my birthday and I feel old and useless.

- On my birthday Josh and I were going to go to the Art Gallery of Ontario but it was closed.
- I want to see Benjamin Button but it's so friggin long and always sold out when I have time to see it.
- I have too many bills, why do they all have to come at once?
- I have to get gum surgery but it's $1300. My dental will probably cover most of that but that's a lot I have to give up front.
- I spilled my ice tea in my new purse because the lid wasn't on properly.
- I hit Josh in the back of the head with a big chunk of ice. I don't know why I did it but I feel horrible about it.

The Good
- This man I know, who has nothing, no money, no family, nothing, bought me a lotto ticket for my birthday.
- With the whole shower issue I've gotten to know my room mates a little better.
- I've lost that extra Christmas weight without trying too hard.
- Josh's dad had a birthday right after mine and after he blew out the candles on the cake they re-lit them so I could blow them out too.
- I'm getting better finally, just a tad bit of coughing.
- I know a huge amazing secret about someone and they thought I was trustworthy enough to know the secret. I'll keep it a secret forever if I have to.

I know these are a bit late but here they are, pics from Terrace during the holidays!!! I'll probably post the same ones on facebook soon.


At 8:25 PM, Blogger Tamara said...

"I hit Josh in the back of the head with a big chunk of ice. I don't know why I did it but I feel horrible about it."

I'm sorry, but I laughed a little when I read that!

Good to finally see the pictures!!!

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Darci said...

Hopefully you can get that virus removed.. Gum Surgery doesn't sound fun.

At 9:47 PM, Blogger trippy spaz said...

those are awesome awesome pics!!

i'm in the philippines now. it's pretty boring, but i get to hang out with my bro and sis so it's kinda cool.

i miss canada already.

hope to see you soon. i should come back in summer. i's getting married haha


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