Monday, March 26, 2007


I've been slacking a bit in the blog updates lately. The truth is... I've become addicted to Roller Coaster Tycoon again. I don't know, why it's not like it's that fun, there's just this one mission I can't complete and I NEED TO COMPLETE IT!!! This week I work every single day and I got two shifts at the National Club. Money money money. Oh yesterday at work a thirty three year old man with hair down to his waist and a beard down to his chest wrote me a poem. Lol. Don't be worried for me, the managers at work know about him and said they would kick him out next time. I see him on the subway sometimes, he's a little creepy. He looks a bit like Charles Manson. Hmmmm, I'm really fighting right now not to be playing that stupid game.


At 7:55 PM, Blogger Tamara said...

Fight the urge, Steph, fight it hard!

Did he give you the poem? If he did I need to hear it lol

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Seraberry said...

oooooh. share the poem with me too!

ok..roller coaster tycoon is SOOOO FUN. For the longest time I was addicted to it......I mostly tried trapping as many people as i could in the amusement park...or dropping as many of them as I could in the water....HAAAAAAAHAHAHAHa.....I'm so twisted. Actually, my brother showed me it...and then I started doing it. HAHA. oh shinazzle.

i always get mrcreepers coming in...and one of the guys I work with said If I go to the EVERYONE...will come stumbling up towards me and be like...HEY!!! YOUR THE FIBONACCI'S GIRL.

I leave the the most longest comments in history. I'm your number 1 fan...soon i'll be known as your blogger stalker..and start leaving you poems for comments....its coming close to that....

At 10:54 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

Tamara- I'll send you the poem, it's not posting appropriate.

Sarah- I'll send you the poem too. I'm glad I'm not the only RCT addict out there. I've thrown a few people in the water myself, lol.

At 12:55 AM, Blogger trippy spaz said...

HAHA i gotta hear that poem! someone's got an admirer eh? XD

At 12:09 AM, Blogger Seraberry said...

AH yes. That game is great. you should try and see how many people you can block in..just delete one of the path's...actually a couple..because they'll walk on the grass after awhile...then...when they come to the entrance...grab them before they get away. It definetely kills a couple hours.


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