Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Movie Reviews

It's that time again.... my movie reviews!!!!


My rating: 8.5/10
IMDB Rating: 7.9/10

Definitely an unrealistic tragic love story, just like Titanic. They meet for like two seconds, separated by scandal and then... you can probably guess the end. I'm not saying this is a bad movie, Titanic is in my top 10, I'm just saying it's like Titanic without the boat. The cinematography, costumes, music, acting, etc, was amazing. I'll probably buy this one.

My Rating: 7/10
IMDB Rating: 7.4/10

It's good in a G rated way. It's a parable about accepting who you are no matter what you look like. Cute movie, actors are good. Reese Witherspoon is only in it for like 2 seconds. I'm liking Christina Ricci more and more these days. I wouldn't buy this, probably wouldn't have the patients to watch it again.

My Rating: 7/10
IMDB Rating: 7/10

It was an ok movie. Lot's of numbers and talking in code, you just want to yell "ok, we get the point, your smart!" I don't know, I don't think I would see this again.

The Ruins
My Rating: 8/10
IMDB Rating: 6.5/10

I don't know if this could be a true rating because I watched this movie in segments while working projection. Every time I walked by I had to stop, turn on the sound and watch it for a few minutes, sometimes several. Maybe it was because it was a horror movie and it's natural to want to see if they'll die or not, but I really liked it. I hate horror movies, but I liked this one. The enemies in this movie were plants, so maybe that's why I could handle it. I'd watch it again, maybe buy it.

My Rating:1/10
IMDB Rating: 6.5/10

Don't watch this!!!! Not even an action obsessed, single, 40 year old male would like this movie. The whole movie was just heads being cut off in different ways. They blew up a bunny! Kevin and Nathan, I'm sorry I sat through that with you, we should have left. We had a good laugh though.

Run Fat Boy Run
My Rating:5/10
IMDB Rating: 6.9/10

Josh and I watched the first 30 minutes then walked out. I can walk out of movies now since I don't have to pay for them. Anyway, the entire theater was laughing their heads off and Josh and I weren't. Apparently everyone I spoke to who watched this movie thought it was hilarious. Is there something wrong with my sense of humour? It was like a cartoon, eg. He steps on a broom, the broom flies up and hits him in the face, he falls to the ground and then farts. Cartoon humour.


At 11:28 PM, Blogger trippy spaz said...

hahaha doomsday! like i said...it was a strange fusion of movies such as Resident Evil 2, I Am Legend, 28 Days, Mad Max and Lord of the Rings!!

awsum review. what does atonement mean?
i want to watch 21 and The Ruins.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Tamara said...

^^Atonement means making things right for someone's wrong. (webster could probably say it a lot better than I can lol)

I probably won't watch Atonement only because that Kiera chick annoys me.

I've been wanting to see 21 though..but I probably won't see that either. Until it's in the $6.88 bin at Walmart.

At 8:32 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

I love your movie reviews Steph! They are the highlight of my day!

I have to say that Atonement really annoyed me until the end. The end made sense of the movie.

I liked 21, mind you the middle of the movie seemed really really long.

I wanna see Penelope.

At 1:43 AM, Blogger Tamara said...

PS--The Rupert pictures are coming soon..don't fret! :) I'm going to have to make a whole facebook album out of them though..I took too many

At 12:26 AM, Blogger trippy spaz said...

yo. i just watched Forbidden Kingdom with nathan and tyler.

that was SO BAD it was HILARIOUS!!! i'm telling you...i laughed until the end.

AHHH the script was terrible! you have to watch it XD i just got home and i'm still laughing about it!

it was probably just as bad as Doomsday.. which is good because...like i said, it's so funny. people got annoyed at us for laughing too much i think.

thanks tamara.

steph...let's watch Street Kings or I Hate Sarah Marshall?

At 12:29 AM, Blogger trippy spaz said...

or whatever it's called..

At 3:54 AM, Blogger Darci said...

So how is the shut down affecting you? (Sorry I didn't comment earlier)


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