Happy Birthday Josh
- I hate both jobs right now. They used to be fun but now I feel like I'm just a shadow.
The one thing I want to do more than ever right now is drive. I miss driving so much. Those of you have cars, appreciate it. Taking public transportation may be helping out the environment and may be helping out on my costs but it doesn't compare to all the benefits of having your own vehicle. Sighhhh.
I went to a concert a few days ago with Josh. We saw Death Cab for Cutie. Opening for them was Ra Ra Riot and Cold War Kids. All the bands were good, I enjoyed it except for the part of never seeing the band due to my height. This was a concert hall, there were no seats. It wasn't until the encore when I saw the tops of their heads. Anyways the next coming months are concerts concerts concerts!!!!
I've been working on my top 20 movies and I let someone take a sneak peak at them. Well that "someone" made fun of pretty much every movie on my list so I don't think that post is going to happen anymore, sorry.
I had that gum surgery a few weeks ago, it went fine. I had to wear dressing over part of my gums for a week, it sucked when it came to eating. The pain is gone now, I had to take pain killers and antibiotics for a while. Now I'm $1300 in the hole.
I've been watching the first season of "How I met your Mother" and it is pretty great. Thanks Kevin.
I can hardly believe the stupid weather right now. For weeks it was warmish, occasional rain, spring type weather. Now it's snowing, windy and freezing!!! I went to Orangeville last week with Josh and his dad. It's where the other half of Josh's family lives. We all went and watched his brothers hockey game and went to his mom's place after. The weather was so bad while we were there. Sideways ice pellets and then snow.
No real plans for Easter yet...