Friday, August 31, 2007

Exhibition Place

Toronto is so humid, just walking to the subway station and I'm sweating like crazy, but it looks like it's going to be cooling off in the next few days but still staying nice for Tamara when she comes. I haven't been working yet. I start at the theater on Saturday and at the National Club on Tuesday. I tried to get time off from the theater until Tamara left but they wouldn't allow it so I have to work two shifts a week, which isn't that bad I guess. I'm in the midst of job searching/ house searching. I need another job that pays more and a new home that cost less. So that's been on my mind constantly for the last two days. I'm so poor after not working for so long. I am not spending anything, except on a few groceries. I'm also on a strict diet since I gained approx. 10 pounds during my holidays. So far so good, I've been following my diet rules and have been exercising lots for the past two days. I'm at the point where I can't where just a t-shirt anymore, I need to hide in a sweater even if the sun is shinning brightly. Tonight I went to the CNE at the Exhibition Place with Michael. It's a huge fair type place, it reminded me of the Calgary Stampede.Below: This guy was CRAZZZY!!!!! He balanced rocks by finding their center of gravity or something like that. When he picked up that huge mother of a rock I was like "No way!!!!!!" His arms were shaking just lifting it. Once he placed it right and let go everyone cheered and clapped. Below: A cool sand sculpture. Below: Pigs suckling. Below: Butter Sculptures. I found it kind of weird that these sculptures were located in the barn yard section amongst the pigs. Why wouldn't they be in the sand sculpture section? There was one butter sculpture of that giant from Princess Bride, I laughed. It was a beautiful night, I only wished I had camera skills. I tried taking pictures of the ferris wheel and all the rides with the sunset in the background but it just wouldn't work for me. Below: This is at Harbour Front, I'm taking Tamara there. And we walked by The Chinese Lantern Festival. We didn't go in because it was $15 but I told Michael we would go back with Tamara.
Below: This lantern is nothing compared to the others that were there, we'll post pictures once we get inside the place.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I'm home!!! But more importantly, I have my computer back!!!!!!!!!!!! It feels so good to finally sit down at my desk and check my e-mail without being rushed like at the library. So I got back last night around 8:00 p.m., unpacked a tiny bit, took a tour of my new spiderweb infested house, dumped out some seriously moldy ice tea, and then watched Big Brother. Today I woke up at 9:00 a.m. which to me feels like 6:00 a.m., just because I needed to force myself to get used to the time change. Then I went downtown, stopped at the bank, bought a subway pass, and then went and got my computer. Still on the agenda for today is grocery shopping but a huge storm cloud is heading this way so I might just wait for a bit. Tamara is coming on the 5th, one more week. It's going to be fun sharing my tiny little house with her, but we'll hardly be home anyways. We'll post every little bit of fun we have! So that's pretty much it.

Friday, August 24, 2007

A Night of Embarassment

It's been a while since I've updated because I've been keeping really busy. I leave on Tuesday :( Yesterday was Lauren's bachelorette party. We had a great time, we hung out for a bit, played Apples to Apples, ate, and then we dressed Lauren up and then sent her to the streets!!!! She got a lot of honks, it was so funny. Then she went into Mr. Mikes to talk to Moriah which was very brave of her considering Mr. Mikes on a Thursday night is where EVERYONE goes. After that she went in Save On and asked if she could have a rotten banana for free, of course they let her and she held on to that little banana for most of the night. After that she did some more sign holding and then we got a tour of the fire department, lol. After a night on the town we headed back and she opened some gifts. Today's the rehearsal and then tomorrow.... the wedding!!!! I'm not nervous now that I've been in a wedding already, but that might change as it gets closer.

Monday, August 06, 2007


Riverboat Days!!!!!! Lauren and I went and watched the awesome parade together! Actually It was pretty lame but I'll be there every year (if I'm in town). My favorite part was the bagpipe players.

After the parade we headed over to the farmers market and ate Filipino food, I missed that food so much. We met up with Christina after and then hung out at my house for a bit. That's when it happened.... I developed a painful sunburn. To make it worse it's a farmers tan. I'm going to look great in that halter top bridesmaid dress.
Later that night everyone went to watch the fireworks. We stood on the old bridge, it was great. Today I went to church and then Tamara, Heather, and I went and watched the pet show located at the Skeena Mall parking lot. We all had a crush on the judge, he had an accent.

We finished off the day by going into Liquidation World!!!!! It was there where we found a swear word on a kids toy, in the kids section. We were all so shocked. Riverboat days isn't over yet, still, more fun to come.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

So Far So Good

Wow do I ever have to update! I'll start from the beginning, a few days before I flew to Terrace I went to Wonderland with Michael, which was so fun. I got a sunburn on my head.The day before I left I went and hung out at Andrew's house. It was very weird because we both knew it was our last time seeing each other. Who knows if I'll ever see that guy again. I plan to text him random messages to creep him out. He refuses to read my blog, the bum. Anyway the day I left I finished up on some packing and took a walk to the grocery store to buy toilet paper and batteries. Then off I flew to little old Terrace. I was welcomed by friends and family and many creatively made signs. I heard it was mostly Tamara's doing. Ha! Everyday after was pretty busy. I ran around with everyone and did last minute wedding stuff. We had Leah's bachlorette party, or stagette as some people call it.

Tamara did Leah's make up and we decided not to make her wear the embarrassing 80's dress we bought, instead she just wore a Vail. I'm not going to explain everything because I have the entire thing on video which you should stay tooned for.
I went to the campsite at Lakelse with Christina. We walked along the beach and then hiked the trail. I wish I could bring that place back to Ontario with me.

The day before the wedding we went to the site to set up. What a beautiful place.

We came back later that day for the rehearsal.

After the rehearsal we went to the rehearsal dinner at my parents place. Fun fun fun. The relatives started to arrive, oh and poor Kevin, it was his birthday that day and it was kind of overlooked because of all the events and crazy stuff going on that day. But we did have an ice cream cake for him and I must have said Happy Birthday at least 10 times. After the rehearsal dinner the bridesmaids went back to Leah's to do our nails and and get some much needed rest.
The day of the wedding went by pretty smoothly. I was starting to get a little nervous. We got our hair done, did our makeup and then headed to the wedding site. Although there was a lot of rain that day, it was really cool to see 180 people with umbrellas. As I stood up at the front with the rest of the wedding party all I could notice was the dozens of people who had new partners. And I noticed the Wurches, their kids look so different, I couldn't even believe I used to feed Lexy a bottle and now she was taller than me. And the amount of relatives I haven't seen in ages. It was overwhelming. Then it was the reception. I had a great time up until the dancing. I don't dance. Thanks Rebbecca for keeping me company since somebody who made a promise not to dance either was out on the dance floor shaking her booty. I'm not mad, it was good to see her having a good time. The night turned out to be pretty great except for the part where my dad drove over my moms camera. I think I would have cried if it was my camera.
My adventures continued. I went to Kalum Lake with Kevin and Elisa.

Later that night I went to Grouches with Christina where we made this amazing fire and ate Spitz. Walking back through the trail was pretty scary. It was about 1am and there were hundreds of huge toads everywhere. Thank God I decided to bring a flashlight. Anyway, more adventures are coming up, I'm so excited for Riverboat Days!

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