Random People
I sat looking at this screen for five minutes just trying to think of what to write. Nothing is coming to mind. Hmmm. I got home today around 4 p.m. and fell asleep as soon as I sat down on my bed. Now here I am, just woke up an hour ago. I don't know what I should do, should I go back to sleep and wake up extremely early or should I stay up for a while then go back to sleep later. I was going to post my Oscar predictions like I did last year put honestly I've come to realize that it's stupid. Why do I even care? Sorry to all you people who I made fill out my Oscar surveys every year. I think I had to pay one of my brothers once to fill it out. Sad. Change of subject... This Jamaican lady I work with named Novlet told me if she ever won the lottery she'd pay off my student loan, and if she won a really big amount she'd make sure I'd never have to work again. She's a nice lady. There's a few of them from the club who kind of look out for me. I really get along with that mean gay guy now. He apologized and now we work great together. I feel sorry for all of us at the club, not because it's a bad job but because every one has some problem. Many of them have cancer, which is really sad, I work day after day trying to pay off loans with no time to wash my clothes, some of them have really sick children, a lot them need surgery and are on a waiting list, some of them are in love with older women who they can never be with, some of them travel an hour and a half to get to work everyday, some of them are going through divorces, and some of them I'm sure are depressed. The cool thing about that place is the diversity of the staff. There are people from Egypt, Peru, Buenos Aries, Jamaica, Poland, Germany, Portugal, China, Jamaica, The Philippines, Africa, Mexico, Greece, Albania, Terrace B.C., India, Sri Lanka, The Ukraine, Morocco, and Cambodia. Change of subject... here's a huge amount of pictures of random people taken by Tamara, Kevin C, and I.