Poor Voytech
The last few days at work have really sucked. At the club I have to wash all the glasses from the day before then I have to set up all the bars for lunch. It's been so busy lately with huge events that require like 6 wine glasses per person, and 160 people. Imagine all the glasses I had to wash. Not only do I have to wash them I have to but them back in their boxes (one box holds six wine glasses) and then I have to load them up and take them down the freight elevator to the basement storage. I've missed my lunch break three days in a row. Yesterday I came so close to crying. I was in the kitchen where I work for breakfast and Voytech, this Polish handyman that works at the club was in the middle of the kitchen on a ladder fixing some pipes in the ceiling. All of the sudden water and steam started pouring out of the pipes all over the floor and onto Voytech. Voytech was screaming in pain and was holding his eyes. He yelled at me to go get someone. The water was obviously very hot and I could smell strong chemicals. The closest person I ran into was Laurie, aka: b*** or manager with a huge attitude. She ran down with me and then everybody else who was near by ran down and they helped him down. After Laurie left and the situation calmed down, Armalito a Filipino guy that deals with stock came right into my face and started yelling at me because I went to get Laurie for help. He wouldn't stop, I tyred walking away but he kept getting right in my face. Renata, my Polish supervisor had to pull him away. I don't know what his problem was, I did what any normal person would do, I got help as soon as I could. Whatever, Voytech's ok.
I could go for days talking about all the drama that goes on at the Club. Here's the drama story of the day. There's this new girl who is really bossy and it's weird when a new person is bossing around someone who has worked there for 20 years. Anyway everyone finds it really hard to get along with her except me, some of the guys, and Ricky (my boss). The reason she's still there is because Ricky really likes her. So all the ladies who work at the club have been kind of mean to her so she told me she's going to start walking around naked in the change room. I missed it because it was break time and of course I was working, so the change room was packed and she just casually took off her clothes and sat at the table naked with all the ladies. I guess most of them left after that but one of the cleaning ladies gave her Lysol and asked her to clean the seat she was sitting on. It's kind of funny but once again I'm in the middle, friends with people on both sides.